Efficient and Durable Metal Cutting Bandsaw

Product Name: SHOP FOX M1013 5-Inch by 6-Inch Metal Bandsaw
Product Description: Shop Fox Cordless Bandsaw
Price: $$$
Currency: US
Availability: InStock
The SHOP FOX M1013 5-Inch by 6-Inch Metal Bandsaw is considered as one of the best band saws available in the market. Users can see efficient results because of the adjustable carbide blade which can guide you properly by twisting the blade straight. It is a great choice for metal or plastic cutting tasks.
Metal band saws are quite essential tools for any professional who needs to cut metals efficiently. If you are interested in buying a sturdy band saw or wish to replace your old machine with a brand-new one, then your search is complete. The SHOP FOX M1013 5-Inch by 6-Inch Metal Bandsaw is an ideal choice in above-mentioned situations.
It is a cordless band saw that provides great versatility and user-friendly features. This equipment has several speed settings, super sharp blades, powerful motor, automatic shutoff option and what not? The great thing about this tool is its reasonable price that is affordable to the majority.
Convenient, sturdy and efficient
The SHOP FOX 5-Inch by 6-Inch Metal Bandsaw is equipped with three-speed settings, an automatic shut off and ball bearing blade guides. Its working is quite easy. Therefore, even the beginners can operate it with ease. All you need to do is, observe the work piece length, swivel the headstock to an angle between -45° to +60° and make the cut.
The product also has a Gravity feed cutting pressure adjustment in horizontal position. In this way, the blade will enter the work piece perpendicular to the table surface, if needed. This blade guide will also support the bearings prevent blade twist by stopping the blade from being pushed back, during the process. This band saw is quite easy to set up for accurate and complex cutting operations, in case the blades require adjustment.
Phenomenal features in low price
This SHOP FOX Metal Bandsaw comes with the capacity of 4 ½ inches. It also has a quick-positioning vise holds materials in the ideal cutting position. This appliance can cut every kind of metal efficiently, from brass and aluminum to rugged alloy and steel tools. This product also uses an additional vertical cutting plate for small pipes, which includes blade and heavy-duty stand.
You can adjust the swiveling headstock up to 45-degrees, as per your needs. Just loosen the headstock lock lever, and swivel the headstock to the required angle of cut and lock the lever in place, that’s about it. When you are using it with the cast iron stop, you can get consistent repeat cuts at the same length which results in efficient production.
This tool also has a chip tray, which instructs small work pieces into a bucket when you are done with the cut completely.
Specs and features
- Dimensions: 2 x 21.6 x 18.1 inches
- Weight: 176 pounds
- Size: 29 inches
- Overall length: 39 inches
- Blade size: 64-1/2-Inch by 1/2-Inch
- Inexpensive
- Versatile
- Adjustable speed
- Sharp blade
- Not suitable for heavy-duty
The SHOP FOX M1013 5-Inch by 6-Inch Metal Bandsaw is considered as one of the best band saws available in the market. Users can see efficient results because of the adjustable carbide blade which can guide you properly by twisting the blade straight. It is a great choice for metal or plastic cutting tasks.
If you are searching for a cordless Metal Band saw, then this product is highly-recommended because of the prominent features and low price.